IDIO 2024 Conference Archive

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In collaboration with their early childhood technical assistance center partners, DaSy hosted the national IDIO 2024: Leading for Positive Impact conference on August 25–30, 2024 in New Orleans, Louisiana. IDIO 2024 was designed for IDEA Part C and Part B 619 coordinators and IDEA Part C and Part B data managers, parent leaders, and others working to improve state capacity for equitable, evidence-based data systems, programs, practices and outcomes for young children with disabilities and their families. Questions? Contact

Meeting Agenda

Conference Homepage | Agenda At-A-Glance | Full Agenda

Slides (In Progress)

(Session archives in progress)

Tuesday August 27

Wednesday August 28

  • Applying Equity to Your Data
    In this session, participants discussed equity and how it applies to Part C and Part B 619 staffs work with data, learned about the data inquiry cycle stages and key ...
  • New to Child Outcomes Measurement?
    In this IDIO 2024 presentation, DaSy/ECTA staff cover the basics for child outcomes measurement and reporting, including an overview of how they were developed, what the outcomes are, how the ...

Thursday August 29

Updated October 2024.